Brownstone Institute
Co-Founder / Design Technology & Creative Director / Author
Shyfrog Media, LLC
I have a long history in the online, web design, and development industry that began in 1994 at Utah Valley University. This led quickly to positions at Novell, Ameritrade, Move Networks, YPI (Yankee Magazine and Old Farmer’s Almanac), American Institute for Economic Research, and currently as co-founder of Brownstone Institute. Also, since shifting into the non-profit world and gaining experience as an interim Editorial Director, I am now published at AIER, Brownstone Institute, and Epoch Times.
In October, 2020, I was tasked with building the site and social media properties for the Great Barrington Declaration over a 24 hour window. A site that quickly became a central sticking point for the lockdown and mandate “authorities” and narratives.
I’ve always been an early adopter, global thinker, and proven entrepreneur with innate intrinsic motivation. Exploring the latest technologies, ideas, training, social/professional pursuits, and opportunities to drive an ongoing passion for online and digital media.
Revisiting my education and skill-set often to refresh and re-adjust my paths and direction. My focus is online communication and recognition of the potential for remote, worldwide, social, and entrepreneurial connection. Ever a lifelong learner and authoring often about education, individualism, travel, and music.
Additionally, I am a musician and songwriter with 47+ years experience. I play guitar, record, engineer, and produce music. I also love to travel, especially to central and eastern Europe. My favorite places so far are Estonia, Romania, Czechia, Poland, and Armenia.